Problem med guld


På grund av förra fredagens/helgens problem med guld kommer en global kompensation, med start den 6/8 2015.

Vi ber hemskt mycket om ursäkt för alla problem.

Vi önskar er fortsatt bra Grepolisdag!

Med vänliga hälsningar
Ditt Grepolis Team


Toward the end of last week, we had some major issues with our Premium Services across all our games. As a result, we had to do a rollback on these services. As a small way of apologising for the downtime, and any inconveneince caused, we will be holding a 48 hour event. The event will run from 6th August at 10pm (not 10am as stated in previous mail) server time, and will give all players 20% buffs in build time, unit build time, resource production, and favour production.

Your Grepolis Team